
Some Panorama basic knowledge, share with you, to be continue

Panorama ABC
1. Definition
Panorama refers to a picture of more than normal effective visual angle of two eyes (about 90° horizontally, 70° vertically) or visual angle eye corner (about 180° horizontally, 90° vertically), or even 360° complete scene range.

2. Classification
Cylindrical panorama
As the name implies, cylindrical panorama means to imagine the space as a cylinder, so that you can’t see the top and bottom of Cylindrical panorama and you can only look around. There’s only connection of plane pictures but no perspective-correct, so it is lack of space impression during browse. It is relatively simpler for the realization of Cylindrical panorama.

Cubic panorama
Cubic panorama means to imagine the space as a cube; a Cubic panorama comprises six pictures from the directions: up, down, left, right, front and back. There’s not any direct spitting tool for Cubic panorama, however, the browsing speed is very fast. 360° Panorama of Quicktime VR is a Cubic panorama.

Spherical panarama
Spherical panarama means to imagine the space as a sphere, a Spherical panarama refers to a picture of 2:1, 360° horizontally and 180° vertically.

