
How to use Mask in Panoweaver8

How to use Mask in Panoweaver8

To Display or Hide the specific part of the panorama with Panoweaver. Easypano provides users as many features as possible in Panoweaver 8. Do you want to show or hide the specific parts in your Panorama? are you annoyed that sometimes you want to make a perfect panorama tour,but some parts of the picture just don't match with each other? Well, Mask feature in Panoweaver is the answer. it's very easy for you to hide or display what you want to be seen or what you don't want to be seen in your panorama. Below is a brief introduction to how to hide or display what you want or don't want to be seen in Panorama.
The two images are created with Panoweaver. the picture on the left you can only see the Blue car when the Black car is hidden; on the right, the Blue car is hidden,the Black car is displayed.
This image shows how the two cars affact the panorama effect. this looks terrible in a Panorama,that's why you need to hide or display one of the cars to make your panorama perfect.
Please go to Edit Image MASK in the tab on the right of your panoweaver and find Set Invisible Area to hide what you don't want to be seen.
After you have edited it, you can only see the part you want to be seen.
Please go to Edit Image MASK in the tab on the right of your Panoweaver and find Set visible Area to display what you want to be seen.
Please go to Edit Image MASK in the tab on the right of your Panoweaver and find Set invisible Area to hide what you don't want to be seen.
When the Blue car is hidden, you can only see the Black car.
This image shows what it looks like when you hide one car and display another in your panorams.

