
Ten Thousand Panoramas Worldwide on EP-SKY

  Panoramas on EP-SKY has exceeded 10 thousand, covering natural landscape, scenic spot, museum, tourism, hotel, real estate and other fields.

What can you do on EP-SKY?

Free hosting and sharing: Panoramas and virtual tour can be freeshared onto EP-SKY and shared on facebook, twitter and Google+.

Free coding: A link will be generated for embedding the panorama or virtual tour on uploaders’wordpress or webpage.

View and share panoramas on mobile devices.

Mobile website of EP-SKY is coming soon. Once it is released, you can view and share panoramas with your friends anytime and anywhere.

  Easypano and Nodal Ninja reached landmark agreement to enhance cooperation, which will break new ground in virtual tour industry.






Easypano Latest Virtual Tour Software Tourweaver 7.7 Beta Will Be Available in A Few Weeks.

Easypano Virtual Tour Software Tourweaver 7.7 Beta will be available in a few weeks.

Hi all,

Good news from Easypano!

Easypano is updating the  Flash and HTML5 virtual tour software - Tourweaver 7.70 beta, several new features are added and the visual experience is greatly improved. This new version will be available soon in this month!
We would like to share with you some new and enhanced features in Tourweaver 7.70:

New features
  • Slideshow Images Group in Fly-out Media
  • Add Scene Hotspot by drag and drop mode
  • Scroll bar is available in Textarea, Listbox, Combobox and Map viewer
In HTML5 format tour: 
  • Multiresolution display in HTML5 tour
  • Support viewing scene with scroll wheel zooming
  • Support classic style thumbnail in HTML5 Tour
Improved features
  •  Newly developed Flash player improves tour viewing experience
  •  Support 200 megapixels(20000x10000) image editing and publishing
  •  Optimize bestFit display mode for image over 10000 pixels
  •  Specify tour rotating direction
  •  Automatically identify scenes image type 
  •  Support Popup Image resize and progressive scale
Fixed Bugs
  • Improve program stability
  • Improve playing stability on iOS devices
  • Fix the error caused by play mode switch on Android devices
The DEMO TOUR will come out soon. If you are interested in making virtual tours, be sure to keep an eye on this new version. Either go to www.easypano.com, or simply follow us on Facebook or Twtter.
About Tourweaver: http://www.easypano.com/virtual-tour-software.html
Download Tourweaver 7: http://www.easypano.com/download-virtual-tour-software.html

Thank you for your attention and best regards,

Jasmine from Easypano